A colleague is having trouble rendering a dynamic value in their JSX code. They've tried using quotes, but the value renders as a string. What advice would you give?
- Advise them to use quotes but ensure the value is parsed as a number or boolean if needed.
- Encourage them to use double curly braces {{}} around the value.
- Recommend using backticks (`) to enclose the value.
- Suggest wrapping the value with single curly braces {}.
To render a dynamic value in JSX as the intended value (rather than as a string), it's essential to wrap the value in single curly braces {}. Double curly braces {{}} are used for expressions or variable interpolation within JSX. Backticks (`) are used for template literals and are not appropriate for this case. Using quotes alone will indeed render the value as a string, so the correct approach is to use single curly braces.