You're designing a software system where different types of vehicles need to be modeled. How would you use OOP principles to represent this scenario effectively?

  • Use polymorphism to define common behaviors and allow different vehicles to exhibit specific behaviors.
  • Use abstraction to define a Vehicle superclass with common properties and methods, then derive specific vehicle classes.
  • Use encapsulation to hide internal details of vehicle classes and expose only necessary functionalities.
  • Use inheritance to create a hierarchy of vehicle classes, with each subclass inheriting properties and behaviors.
Option 2 explains how to effectively use abstraction to create a superclass with common properties and methods for vehicles, ensuring a clear and structured representation of different vehicle types in the software system. This approach promotes code reusability and scalability by allowing specific vehicle classes to inherit from the common superclass while maintaining distinct functionalities. Abstraction also helps in managing complexity by focusing on essential attributes and behaviors at a higher level.
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