How does the Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling algorithm minimize average waiting time?

  • SJF executes processes based on their arrival time, ensuring timely completion and minimizing waiting times.
  • SJF minimizes average waiting time by executing longer jobs before shorter ones, ensuring fair allocation of CPU time.
  • SJF prioritizes shorter jobs over longer ones, allowing quick tasks to complete first, thus reducing the average waiting time for all processes.
  • SJF selects processes randomly, leading to a balanced distribution of CPU time and reducing waiting times.
Shortest Job First (SJF) scheduling minimizes average waiting time by prioritizing shorter jobs, which reduces the overall waiting time for processes in the ready queue. This approach is effective in scenarios where smaller tasks can be completed quickly, leading to better system responsiveness and improved resource utilization. However, SJF may face challenges in predicting job lengths accurately, especially in dynamic workloads, requiring adaptations like Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) to handle varying job durations effectively.
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