Explain the trade-offs involved in maintaining ACID properties in distributed databases compared to centralized databases.

  • Consistency vs. Availability
  • Increased Latency
  • Network Partitioning
  • Scalability Challenges
Maintaining ACID properties in distributed databases involves trade-offs compared to centralized databases. One major trade-off is the balance between consistency and availability. In distributed systems, ensuring strong consistency across all nodes can lead to increased latency and potential scalability challenges due to the need for synchronous communication and coordination. On the other hand, prioritizing availability may sacrifice consistency, leading to eventual consistency models where data may be temporarily inconsistent across nodes. Additionally, network partitioning issues can arise in distributed databases, affecting the system's ability to maintain ACID properties uniformly. These trade-offs require careful consideration and architectural decisions based on the specific requirements of the application and the desired level of data consistency and availability.
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