Compare and contrast binary search trees (BSTs) and AVL trees.

  • AVL trees are self-balancing
  • AVL trees have stricter balance criteria
  • BSTs do not guarantee balanced structures
  • BSTs have O(log n) average time complexity for search
Binary Search Trees (BSTs) and AVL trees are both binary search tree structures used in storing and retrieving data efficiently. However, AVL trees differ in that they are self-balancing, ensuring that the height difference between subtrees (balance factor) is limited to maintain logarithmic time complexity for operations like search, insertions, and deletions. In contrast, while BSTs have an average time complexity of O(log n) for search operations, they do not inherently guarantee a balanced structure, potentially leading to worst-case scenarios of O(n) complexity if the tree becomes skewed. AVL trees, due to their stricter balancing criteria, offer more predictable and consistent performance but may require additional overhead in maintaining balance during insertions and deletions compared to BSTs. Understanding the differences between these tree structures is essential for designing efficient data storage and retrieval systems.
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