In a banking application, you're tasked with designing classes for different account types such as savings, checking, and credit. How would you ensure proper encapsulation and abstraction in your design?

  • Use interfaces to define common operations for different account types, promoting code consistency and flexibility.
  • Use encapsulation to hide account details such as balance and transaction history, exposing only necessary methods.
  • Use inheritance to create a base Account class and derive specific account type classes with shared functionalities.
  • Use abstraction to define abstract classes for account types with common properties and methods, then implement specific classes.
Option 4 discusses how abstraction can ensure proper encapsulation by defining abstract classes for account types with common properties and methods, while specific account classes implement these abstract structures. This approach hides internal complexities, such as balance handling and transaction history, within the classes, maintaining data integrity and security. Encapsulation, combined with abstraction, leads to a well-structured and maintainable design in a banking application.
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