You're working on a project where multiple team members are collaborating to develop different modules. How would you utilize OOP concepts like inheritance and interfaces to facilitate code reusability and maintainability?

  • Use interfaces to define contracts for module interactions, ensuring a consistent interface for diverse implementations.
  • Utilize inheritance to create a base module class and derive specific modules, inheriting common functionalities.
  • Implement interfaces to enable communication between modules, enhancing code modularity and extensibility.
  • Combine inheritance and interfaces, where base modules define interfaces and specific modules inherit and implement them.
Option 1 suggests using interfaces to define contracts, ensuring a consistent interface for module interactions, which facilitates code reusability and maintainability. This approach allows different team members to work on modules independently while adhering to a predefined interface, promoting code consistency and reducing dependencies between modules. Interfaces also enhance flexibility by enabling polymorphic behavior and easy integration of new modules into the system without affecting existing functionalities.
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