Your team is behind schedule on a project, and the client has requested an updated timeline. How would you communicate the revised deadlines while ensuring realistic expectations?

  • Blame external factors for the delay, avoid providing a revised timeline, and focus on the achievements made thus far.
  • Downplay the severity of the delay, promise unrealistic deadlines, and reassure the client without providing concrete plans for improvement.
  • Ignore the client's request for an updated timeline and continue with the existing plan to avoid confrontation.
  • Provide a detailed explanation of the reasons for the delay, present a revised timeline with clear milestones, and offer solutions to mitigate further delays.
Transparent communication is crucial in managing client expectations during project delays. By explaining the reasons behind the delay and presenting a realistic revised timeline, trust is maintained, and clients are more likely to understand and support necessary adjustments. This approach fosters a positive relationship with clients and promotes accountability within the team.
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