How does a hash table handle collisions, and what methods can be used to resolve them?

  • Hash table resolves collisions by discarding the colliding element.
  • Hash table resolves collisions by rehashing the elements to a different index.
  • Hash table resolves collisions by storing multiple elements in the same index using dynamic memory allocation.
  • Hash table resolves collisions by storing multiple elements in the same index using linked lists or other techniques.
A hash table handles collisions by storing multiple elements in the same index, commonly using techniques like chaining with linked lists or open addressing. When a collision occurs, the hash table adds the colliding element to the existing bucket at that index. Other methods to resolve collisions include using techniques like quadratic probing or double hashing to find an alternative index for the colliding element. Rehashing the elements to a different index or discarding the colliding element altogether are less common approaches to resolving collisions.
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