Scenario: During parallel execution, one of your Appium tests fails unexpectedly on an iOS device. How would you investigate and resolve this issue while ensuring the integrity of parallel testing?

  • Analyze Appium logs, capture screenshots, and gather device information to identify the root cause. Adjust test configurations or capabilities specific to iOS and rerun the failed test independently for further debugging.
  • Disable parallel execution temporarily, isolate the failing test for debugging, and resume parallel testing once the issue is resolved.
  • Ignore the failure and proceed with the remaining parallel tests, addressing the iOS-specific issue separately afterward.
  • Pause parallel execution, fix the issue in the test script, and restart parallel testing to verify the resolution.
When a test fails during parallel execution on an iOS device, thorough investigation involving Appium logs, screenshots, and device details is essential. Adjusting iOS-specific configurations and rerunning the test independently aids in pinpointing and resolving the issue.
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