What is Inversion of Control?

  • A mechanism for managing dependencies between software components, such as libraries or services, that are required to run an application.
  • A method of testing in which dependencies are replaced with mock objects to isolate the test subject from the rest of the system.
  • A software design principle in which the flow of control of a system is inverted compared to the traditional approach. Instead of the system calling a component to perform a task, the component is notified when a task is ready and performs it. This leads to a more flexible and decoupled system, allowing for easier maintenance and testing.
  • A technique for structuring software components into a tree-like hierarchy to organize dependencies and reduce coupling between components.
Inversion of Control is a design principle in which the flow of control in a system is inverted. Instead of a system calling components to perform tasks, components are notified when tasks are ready and perform them. This leads to a more flexible and decoupled system, allowing for easier maintenance and testing.
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