What is the difference between data-driven testing and keyword-driven testing in the context of database automation frameworks?

  • Data-driven testing and keyword-driven testing are essentially the same and can be used interchangeably.
  • Data-driven testing emphasizes the creation of database schemas, whereas keyword-driven testing focuses on executing queries directly on the database.
  • Data-driven testing focuses on using input data from external sources to drive test cases, while keyword-driven testing involves defining keywords or actions to be performed and mapping them to test scripts.
  • Data-driven testing relies solely on SQL queries for testing, whereas keyword-driven testing utilizes pre-defined keywords for executing test cases.
Data-driven testing involves designing test cases based on input data retrieved from external sources such as spreadsheets, databases, or files. These input data are then fed into the test scripts to execute various scenarios. On the other hand, keyword-driven testing involves defining keywords or actions that represent specific functionalities or operations within the application. These keywords are mapped to test scripts, allowing testers to create test cases using a combination of keywords. Understanding this difference is crucial for selecting the appropriate approach based on the testing requirements and the complexity of the database operations.
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