How does the concept of recursion relate to stack data structure? Provide examples to illustrate.

  • Recursion and stack data structure are unrelated concepts and do not interact with each other.
  • Recursion involves calling a function within itself until a base condition is met, leading to the creation of a stack frame for each recursive call.
  • Recursion relies on arrays to store function calls and manage recursive operations, eliminating the need for a stack data structure.
  • Recursion utilizes queues instead of stacks to manage function calls and handle recursive operations efficiently.
Recursion and stack data structure are closely related concepts. In recursive function calls, each function call creates a new stack frame, which contains information about the function's parameters, local variables, and return address. This stack-based mechanism allows recursive functions to maintain separate instances of local variables and control flow for each invocation, ensuring proper function execution and memory management. For example, consider the recursive implementation of factorial function, where each recursive call creates a new stack frame until the base case is reached.
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