Consider a scenario where stability in sorting is paramount, and you need to sort a list of objects with equal keys. Discuss how merge sort maintains stability and why it would be a suitable choice for this scenario.

  • Merge sort does not maintain stability as it may reorder equal elements during the merging step.
  • Merge sort maintains stability by preserving the relative order of equal elements during the merge step. It compares elements in a way that ensures equal elements from different subarrays retain their original order. Thus, when merging sorted subarrays, elements with equal keys remain in their original order, maintaining stability. Merge sort is a suitable choice for this scenario due to its stable sorting behavior and efficient performance.
  • Merge sort maintains stability by randomly shuffling equal elements during the merge step.
  • Merge sort maintains stability by using a hashing function to determine the order of equal elements during merging.
Merge sort's stability stems from its merge step, where it ensures that equal elements from different subarrays maintain their original order. This makes merge sort an ideal choice for scenarios where stability is paramount, such as when sorting objects with equal keys, as it guarantees that the relative order of equal elements is preserved.
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