Suppose you're tasked with optimizing network flow in a transportation system where each edge represents a road with a specific capacity. How would you apply the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm in this scenario?

  • Apply the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to determine the maximum flow between source and destination nodes, adjusting capacities based on traffic conditions.
  • Implement the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to minimize the total distance traveled on the roads in the transportation system.
  • Utilize the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find the shortest paths between each source and destination in the transportation network.
  • Utilize the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to randomly assign flow values to each road in the transportation network.
In this scenario, the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm is applied to determine the maximum flow between source and destination nodes. It adjusts the capacities on each road based on traffic conditions, optimizing the overall network flow in the transportation system.
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