Practical Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers
In this book, scientists and engineers will receive a thorough introduction to numerical computing. Science and engineering students as well as researchers are intended to benefit from this publication. Throughout...
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193 pages
2022-11-10 Published

Basics of Fluid Mechanics
This book describes typical issues that are taught and covered in first year class of fluid mechanics with various example applications with many visual illustrations. The focus of the book...
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887 pages
2023-07-25 Published

101 creative ideas to use AI in education
This open crowdsourced collection by #creativeHE presents a rich tapestry of our collective thinking in the first months of 2023 stitching together potential alternative uses and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that...
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252 pages
2023-09-12 Published

Minimalist Data Wrangling with Python
Minimalist Data Wrangling with Python is envisaged as a student's first introduction to data science, providing a high-level overview as well as discussing key concepts in detail. We explore methods for cleaning...
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442 pages
2022-08-24 Published

Deep R Programming
Deep R Programming is a comprehensive and in-depth introductory course on one of the most popular languages for data science. It equips ambitious students, professionals, and researchers with the knowledge and...
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466 pages
2023-06-28 Published

Python - The Logo Way
Python - The Logo Way is a Python programming book written with the child in mind (or the uninitiated adult learner). It uses the concepts developed in the Logo programming language to teach by drawing....
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110 pages
2022-12-06 Published

Numerical Recipes in Python, 4th Edition
Numerical Recipes in Python is to serve as Laboratory Manual of Simplified Numerical Analysis (Python Version): A companion book of the principal book: Simplified Numerical Analysis (Fourth Edition) by Dr....
3 like counts
176 pages
2023-09-23 Published

Scientific Python Lectures, 2024 Edition
aespaze, Akihiro Uchida, Bartosz Telenczuk, Christophe Combelles, Didrik Pinte, Emergency Self-Construct, Emmanuelle Gouillart, Gael Varoquaux, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Jarrod Millman, Joris Van den Bossche, Matt Haberland, Maximilien Riehl, Michael Hartmann, Nelle Varoquaux, Nicola Masarone, Nicolas P. Rougier, Nicolas Pettiaux, Olav Vahtras, Ozan Caglayan, Pamphile Roy, Pauli Virtanen, Pierre de Buyl, Ralf Gommers, Robert Cimrman, Ross Barnowski, Stefan van der Walt, Vince Knight, Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek
Tutorials on the scientific Python ecosystem: a quick introduction to central tools and techniques. The different chapters each correspond to a 1 to 2 hours course with increasing level of...
1 like counts
694 pages
2024-04-26 Published