The Aesthetics of Stealth
How performances of tactical imperceptibility—or “stealth”—have become a key political practice in digital culture as a means of escaping surveillance and tracking technologies. In The Aesthetics of Stealth, Toni Pape proposes...
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240 pages
2024-10-08 Published

Reimagining the More-Than-Human City
An exploration of the multifaceted urban environmental issues in Singapore through a more-than-human lens, calling for new ways to think of and story cities. As climate change accelerates and urbanization...
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272 pages
2024-10-01 Published

Structure: Concepts, Consequences, Interactions
Natural phenomena, including human language, are not just series of events but are organized quasi-periodically; sentences have structure, and that structure matters. Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka “were there” when...
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248 pages
2022-12-13 Published

A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century
When designing a world trading system for the twenty-first century, “Keep calm and carry on” beats “Move fast and break things.” Global trade is in trouble. Climate change, digital trade,...
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304 pages
2022-12-20 Published

Remaking the American Dream
The redefinition of the single-family house, the urban landscape, and the American Dream. Sitting squarely at the center of the American Dream, the detached single-family home has long been the...
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328 pages
2022-12-20 Published

Digital Ethology
An edited collection that looks deeply at how humans transform their environments and how these environments, in turn, shape humans. Countless permutations of physical, built, and social environments surround us...
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328 pages
2024-06-18 Published

Enacting Platforms
An analysis of the game engine Unreal through feminist, race, and queer theories of technology and media, as well as a critique of the platform studies framework itself. In this...
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248 pages
2024-07-02 Published

Fiscal Policy under Low Interest Rates
Rethinking fiscal and monetary policy in an economic environment of high debt and low interest rates. Policy makers in advanced economies find themselves in an unusual fiscal environment: debt ratios...
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192 pages
2023-01-10 Published

Repairing Play
A provocative study that reconsiders our notion of play—and how its deceptively wholesome image has harmed and erased people of color. Contemporary theorists present play as something wholly constructive and...
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120 pages
2023-02-07 Published

Grief Worlds
A wide-ranging philosophical exploration of what it is to experience grief and what this tells us about human emotional life. Experiences of grief can be bewildering, disorienting, and isolating; everything...
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296 pages
2023-01-24 Published