Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
Written in a clear and accurate language that students can understand, Trench's new book minimizes the number of explicitly stated theorems and definitions. Instead, he deals with concepts in a...
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807 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Elementary Differential Equations
This text has been written in clear and accurate language that students can read and comprehend. The author has minimized the number of explicitly state theorems and definitions, in favor...
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664 pages
2013-12-28 Published

Intermediate Algebra
Popular with and respected by instructors and students interested in a modeling approach, graphing, or graphing calculators, this book incorporates the benefits of technology and the philosophy of the reform...
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600 pages
2020-11-03 Published

Modeling, Functions, and Graphs
The Fourth Edition of Yoshiwara and Yoshiwara's MODELING, FUNCTIONS, AND GRAPHS: ALGEBRA FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS includes content found in a typical algebra course, along with introductions to curve-fitting and display...
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752 pages
2023-09-03 Published