You are tasked with creating a vintage look for images on a webpage. Which CSS filter or combination of filters would you likely use?
- filter: blur(5px) opacity(0.7);
- filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(1.2) hue-rotate(90deg);
- filter: invert(100%) contrast(1.2) sepia(100%);
- filter: sepia(100%) contrast(0.8) brightness(0.8) saturate(1.5);
To create a vintage look for images, you can use CSS filters. The combination sepia(100%) contrast(0.8) brightness(0.8) saturate(1.5) would add a sepia tone, reduce contrast, lower brightness, and slightly increase saturation, giving the image a vintage appearance.
Which display value would you use to hide an element but keep its space in the layout?
- display: block;
- display: hidden;
- display: invisible;
- display: none;
To hide an element but maintain its space in the layout, you would use 'display: none;'. This property effectively removes the element from the display, but it still occupies space, which can be useful for various purposes.
On a blog page, you want to emphasize the first line of every paragraph differently from the rest of the content. Which CSS property and pseudo-element will help you achieve this effect?
- ::emphasize
- ::first-letter
- ::first-line
- ::highlight
To emphasize the first line of every paragraph differently from the rest of the content, you should use the ::first-line pseudo-element in CSS. This pseudo-element targets the first line of a block-level element and allows you to apply specific styling to it.
You're working on a large-scale project and want to ensure your CSS remains maintainable as the project grows. Which modular CSS methodology would be most appropriate to consider?
- BEM (Block Element Modifier)
- OOCSS (Object-Oriented CSS)
- SMACSS (Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS)
- Atomic CSS
When working on a large-scale project, the BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology is highly appropriate. BEM encourages the creation of modular and reusable CSS code by structuring classes in a way that makes it easy to understand their purpose. It follows a strict naming convention, which helps maintainability as the project grows.
In the CSS box model, the ________ area is the space where content, like text or images, is displayed.
- Border
- Content
- Margin
- Padding
In the CSS box model, the "content" area is the space where content, such as text or images, is displayed. This is the innermost part of an element's layout and is surrounded by padding, border, and margin.
You have an element with a complicated graphical background, and you want certain parts of the foreground content to reveal or hide portions of this background. Which CSS technique would be most appropriate to achieve this?
- background-clip: text;
- opacity: 0.5;
- visibility: hidden;
- z-index: -1;
To reveal or hide portions of the background based on the foreground content, you can use background-clip: text;. This property allows the background to show through the text or other foreground elements, creating an interesting visual effect.
Which CSS property adjusts the space between lines of text?
- line-height
- line-spacing
- text-spacing
- word-spacing
The CSS property that adjusts the space between lines of text is "line-height." It is used to control the vertical space between lines, making text more readable and aesthetically pleasing. A larger value increases the line spacing, while a smaller value decreases it.
What does the 'padding' property in CSS affect?
- Element's background color
- Element's border
- Space inside an element
- Space outside an element
The 'padding' property in CSS affects the space inside an element. It determines the spacing between the element's content and its border, creating internal space.
Which property is used to span multiple rows or columns in a grid layout?
- grid-area
- grid-column-count
- grid-row-count
- grid-row-span
The grid-area property is used to span multiple rows and columns in a grid layout. By defining the starting and ending grid lines within this property, you can control how many rows and columns your grid item spans.
Which CSS property controls whether an element is displayed on the page?
- display
- opacity
- position
- visibility
The CSS property that controls whether an element is displayed on the page is the display property. It determines the rendering behavior of an element, and it can be set to values like none, block, inline, and more to control how the element is visually presented on the page. For example, setting display: none; will make the element invisible and take up no space on the page.