When should I use Composite design pattern?
- When you need to represent a complex tree-like structure.
- When you want to apply a behavior to multiple objects at once.
- When you want to hide the implementation details of a class.
- When you want to implement a cache for your data.
The Composite design pattern is used to represent a tree-like structure, where each node in the tree can be either a leaf node or a composite node. The leaf nodes represent the individual objects, while the composite nodes represent the composition of objects. The Composite pattern allows you to treat both composite and leaf objects in a uniform manner, making it easier to manage complex structures.
What is Transfer Object pattern?
- A behavioral pattern that describes how to distribute the communication between objects.
- A creational pattern that provides a way to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.
- A structural pattern that defines the ways of organizing and structuring the objects that are being sent from one place to another.
- An architectural pattern that defines a middleware component that is used to transfer data between different systems or software components.
The Transfer Object pattern is a design pattern that is used in the context of remote method invocation (RMI) systems, where an object is transferred from one JVM to another JVM through serialization. The transfer object is an object that carries data between processes.
What is the purpose of the Composite Entity pattern?
- To create objects with complex behavior.
- To define a default behavior for an object.
- To manage the lifecycle of objects.
- To represent an entity that is composed of multiple objects to model a more complex entity.
The Composite Entity pattern aims to represent an entity that is composed of multiple objects to model a more complex entity, allowing the composition to be managed as a single entity.
What is Filter pattern?
- A design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together by converting the interface of one object into an interface expected by the client
- A design pattern that creates objects in a step-by-step manner, allowing for more control over the object creation process
- A design pattern that filters a set of objects based on certain criteria and returns a subset of those objects
- A design pattern that separates an object's implementation from its interface, allowing the two to vary independently
Filter pattern is a design pattern that filters a set of objects based on certain criteria and returns a subset of those objects. The pattern involves creating a filter interface that defines the criteria for filtering objects, and then implementing that interface for each specific filter. The objects being filtered are then passed through the filters, with only the objects that meet the criteria being returned. This pattern can be useful in situations where a large number of objects need to be filtered based on specific criteria.
What is Bridge pattern?
- A design pattern that allows objects with incompatible interfaces to work together by converting the interface of one object into an interface expected by the client
- A design pattern that creates objects by cloning existing objects, rather than creating new instances from scratch
- A design pattern that creates objects in a step-by-step manner, allowing for more control over the object creation process
- A design pattern that separates an object's implementation from its interface, allowing the two to vary independently. The pattern involves creating an abstraction layer that acts as a bridge between the implementation and interface, allowing the implementation to be changed without affecting the client code
Bridge pattern is a design pattern that separates an object's implementation from its interface, allowing the two to vary independently. The pattern involves creating an abstraction layer that acts as a bridge between the implementation and interface, allowing the implementation to be changed without affecting the client code. This pattern can be useful in situations where an object's implementation needs to be changed frequently, or where multiple implementations are needed for the same interface.
Name some benefits of CQRS Pattern
- Improved database performance by caching results in memory.
- Improved scalability and maintainability.
- Reduced likelihood of race conditions and deadlocks in multithreaded applications.
- Simplified inter-process communication.
CQRS has many benefits, including improved scalability and maintainability due to separating the read and write operations into separate models, and reducing the likelihood of race conditions and deadlocks in multithreaded applications.
How does the MVC pattern differ from the MVVM pattern?
- MVC focuses on separating the application into 3 components - model, view and controller, while MVVM separates the application into 3 components - model, view, and view model.
- MVC is a client-side pattern while MVVM is a server-side pattern.
- MVC is a pattern for creating user interfaces while MVVM is a pattern for creating web services.
- MVVM is a variation of MVC that uses data binding to automatically synchronize the view and view model.
The MVC and MVVM patterns are both used to separate an application into different components to improve maintainability, but they differ in the way they do so. In MVC, the application is separated into 3 components: model, view, and controller. In MVVM, the application is separated into 3 components: model, view, and view model. The view model in MVVM serves as a mediator between the model and the view, using data binding to keep the two in sync.
Why shouldn't I use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework?
- You should not use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework as it can lead to poor performance and scalability issues.
- You should not use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework as it is not compatible with the technology.
- You should not use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework as it provides similar functionality and can lead to unnecessary complexity and code duplication.
- You should use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework as it provides a way to abstract the data access layer and improve testability.
You should not use the Repository Pattern with Entity Framework as it provides similar functionality and can lead to unnecessary complexity and code duplication. Entity Framework provides an abstraction over the data access layer, making the Repository Pattern redundant.
What is the purpose of the Factory Method design pattern?
- To create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created.
- To define an interface for creating objects in a superclass, but allow subclasses to alter the type of objects that will be created.
- To encapsulate the creation of objects within a separate class.
- To provide a way to instantiate objects of a specified class.
The Factory Method design pattern provides a way to create objects without specifying the exact class of object that will be created. This allows for greater flexibility and modularity in the design of a system.
What is the difference between the Iterator and Composite patterns?
- None of the above
- The Iterator and Composite patterns are the same
- The Iterator pattern composes objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies, while the Composite pattern provides a way to access the elements of a collection object in a sequential manner
- The Iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of a collection object in a sequential manner, while the Composite pattern composes objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies
The Iterator pattern provides a way to access the elements of a collection object in a sequential manner, while the Composite pattern composes objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies