To customize the x-axis labels in an R plot, you would use the ______ parameter.

  • xlab
  • ylab
  • xlim
  • axis
To customize the x-axis labels in an R plot, you would use the xlab parameter. It allows you to specify a custom label for the x-axis, providing a descriptive name for the variable or quantity being represented.

In R, CSV data can be imported using the ______ function.

  • read.csv()
  • import()
  • load.csv()
  • readfile()
In R, CSV data can be imported using the read.csv() function. The read.csv() function reads the data from a CSV file and creates a data frame in R containing the imported data.

How can you concatenate strings in R to print?

  • "&" operator
  • "+" operator
  • join() function
  • paste() function
The 'paste()' function is used in R to concatenate strings. It converts its arguments to character strings and concatenates them, separating them with a space by default.

The ______ function in R can be used to calculate the median absolute deviation.

  • mad()
  • median()
  • sd()
  • mean()
The mad() function in R can be used to calculate the median absolute deviation. The median absolute deviation is a robust measure of variability that is less influenced by outliers compared to the standard deviation.

What is the function to concatenate strings in R?

  • concat()
  • join()
  • merge()
  • paste()
The paste() function in R is used to concatenate strings. For example, paste("Hello", "World") would return "Hello World".

A while loop in R continues to execute as long as the ________ is true.

  • condition
  • expression
  • function
  • variable
A while loop in R continues to execute as long as the specified condition is true. The condition is checked before each iteration of the loop, and if it evaluates to true, the loop's code block is executed. If the condition is false, the loop is exited, and the program continues with the next statement.

Can you describe a scenario where you would need to use a vector in R?

  • Storing a set of measurement values
  • Representing categorical variables in a dataset
  • Performing calculations on multiple values simultaneously
  • All of the above
There are many scenarios where you would need to use a vector in R. For example, when storing a set of measurement values, representing categorical variables in a dataset, performing calculations on multiple values simultaneously, or organizing related information. Vectors are a fundamental data structure in R that allow for efficient storage and manipulation of data.

Suppose you're asked to create a vector of numbers in R and calculate the mean and median. How would you do it?

  • Use the array() function to create a vector and then use the mean() and median() functions
  • Use the c() function to create a vector and then use the mean() and median() functions
  • Use the list() function to create a vector and then use the mean() and median() functions
  • Use the vector() function to create a vector and then use the mean() and median() functions
In R, we create a vector of numbers using the c() function, and then calculate the mean and median using the mean() and median() functions. For example, x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); mean(x); median(x) would create a vector and compute the mean and median of its elements.

In R, the ________ data type is used to store categorical data.

  • Character
  • Complex
  • Factor
  • Logical
Factors are the data objects which are used to categorize the data and store it as levels. They can store both strings and integers. They are useful in data analysis for statistical modeling.

What are some functions in R that operate specifically on matrices?

  • dim(), rowSums(), colSums(), rowMeans(), colMeans(), t()
  • sum(), mean(), max(), min(), length()
  • read.csv(), write.csv(), read.table(), write.table()
  • lm(), glm(), anova(), t.test()
Some functions in R that operate specifically on matrices include dim() for retrieving the dimensions of a matrix, rowSums() and colSums() for calculating the row and column sums, rowMeans() and colMeans() for calculating the row and column means, and t() for transposing a matrix. These functions provide convenient ways to perform operations and calculations on matrices.