The ____ method in Pandas DataFrame is used to rearrange the order of the DataFrame's columns.

  • rearrange()
  • reindex()
  • reorder_columns()
  • sort()
In Pandas DataFrame, the reorder_columns() method is used to rearrange the order of the DataFrame's columns. This method allows you to specify the new order of columns using a list or other methods like loc.

The ____ method in Pandas is used to drop specified labels from rows or columns.

  • delete
  • discard
  • drop
  • remove
In Pandas, the drop method is used to drop specified labels (rows or columns) from a DataFrame. This method provides options to control whether the operation should be performed in place or return a new DataFrame.

The ____ method in Python is used to initialize a newly created object and is called every time the class is instantiated.

  • constructor
  • destructor
  • generator
  • initializer
The "constructor" method in Python is used to initialize a newly created object and is called every time the class is instantiated. This method is typically named __init__ in Python classes.

The ____ method in Python web frameworks is used to handle HTTP POST requests from the client.

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
In Python web frameworks like Flask and Django, the POST method is used to handle HTTP POST requests from the client. This method is commonly used for submitting data to the server, such as form submissions.

The ____ method in Seaborn is used to draw a box plot to show distributions with respect to categories.

  • boxplot
  • categoryplot
  • drawbox
  • plot_box
In Seaborn, the boxplot method is used to draw a box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot. This type of plot is valuable for visualizing the distribution of data, including measures such as median, quartiles, and outliers, across different categories or groups.

The ____ method in TensorFlow or PyTorch is used to apply gradients to variables.

  • apply_gradients
  • backpropagate
  • compute_gradients
  • optimize
In TensorFlow and PyTorch, the apply_gradients method is used to apply gradients to variables. Gradients represent the direction and magnitude of changes needed to optimize a model's parameters during training. The apply_gradients method is an essential step in the optimization process.

The ____ method in the unittest framework is used to clean up the resources used during the test.

  • cleanup
  • finalize
  • setUp
  • tearDown
In the unittest framework, the tearDown method is used to clean up any resources or perform cleanup tasks after a test has been executed. It is often used to release resources like file handles, database connections, or temporary files created during the test.

You need to implement a data structure that can quickly provide the smallest element. Which data structure will you use?

  • Array
  • Binary Search Tree
  • Hash Table
  • Linked List
To quickly find the smallest element, a Binary Search Tree (BST) is the most suitable data structure. It allows for efficient searching, insertion, and deletion of elements, making it ideal for maintaining a sorted order and finding the smallest element in O(log n) time complexity.

You need to implement a feature where the Python back-end sends a dynamically generated PDF file to the front-end. How would you handle this scenario to ensure the user can easily download the file?

  • Convert the PDF to a series of images for easy viewing.
  • Provide an endpoint that generates the PDF and sends it with appropriate headers (e.g., Content-Disposition).
  • Store the PDF in a JavaScript variable and display it directly in the browser.
  • Use a third-party file-sharing service for PDF distribution.
To ensure easy PDF download, the back-end should provide an endpoint that generates the PDF and sends it with appropriate headers, such as Content-Disposition with a "attachment" disposition type. This prompts the browser to download the file.

You need to normalize a NumPy array so that the values range between 0 and 1. How would you achieve this?

  • Using Exponential Transformation: np.exp(arr)
  • Using Min-Max Scaling: (arr - arr.min()) / (arr.max() - arr.min())
  • Using Square Root Transformation: np.sqrt(arr)
  • Using Standardization: (arr - arr.mean()) / arr.std()
To normalize a NumPy array to the range [0, 1], you should use Min-Max Scaling. It involves subtracting the minimum value of the array from each element and then dividing by the range (the difference between the maximum and minimum values). This method scales the data linearly to the desired range.