What is the primary function of Autoprefixing in CSS development?

  • Adding vendor prefixes to CSS properties
  • Automatically adjusting font sizes
  • Generating responsive images
  • Minifying CSS code
Autoprefixing in CSS development is primarily used to automatically add vendor prefixes to CSS properties. These prefixes are necessary to ensure cross-browser compatibility. When you use CSS properties like "flex" or "grid," different browsers may require different prefixes (e.g., -webkit-, -moz-, -ms-) to render these properties correctly. Autoprefixing tools simplify this process, making your CSS code work consistently across various browsers.

An element with display: none; differs from visibility: hidden; because the former ________.

  • Flips the element upside down
  • Hides the element but reserves its space
  • Makes the element transparent
  • Removes the element from the layout
An element with display: none; removes the element from the layout entirely. It doesn't occupy any space, and other elements act as if it's not there. In contrast, visibility: hidden; hides the element but still reserves its space in the layout.

Which CSS property is typically used to set breakpoints in responsive design?

  • @media
  • breakpoint
  • media
  • query
In responsive web design, the @media rule is used to set breakpoints. It allows you to define specific CSS styles that apply when certain conditions are met, such as screen width or orientation. By using @media queries, you can create responsive layouts that adjust to different screen sizes, making your website look and function well on various devices.

What is the primary purpose of the grid-template-areas property?

  • To control the alignment of grid items
  • To define the background color of grid areas
  • To set the font style for grid items
  • To specify the layout of the grid by assigning a name to grid areas
The primary purpose of the grid-template-areas property is to specify the layout of the grid by assigning a name to grid areas. This allows for a visual representation of the grid structure and helps in creating complex and responsive layouts with CSS Grid.

In a media query, which feature is commonly used to detect the width of the viewport?

  • device-width
  • resolution
  • screen-size
  • viewport-width
The device-width feature is commonly used in media queries to detect the width of the viewport. It specifically targets the width of the output device, which is important for creating responsive designs that adapt to different screen sizes. By using device-width in media queries, you can apply different styles and layouts based on the device's screen width.

What is the primary purpose of the filter property in CSS?

  • Applying colors to text
  • Applying transformations to elements
  • Applying visual effects to elements
  • Controlling the layout of elements
The primary purpose of the filter property in CSS is to apply visual effects to elements. This property allows you to add various effects like blurring, brightness adjustment, and grayscale to an element. It's commonly used for image effects and enhancing the visual appearance of web content.

If you want list items to display horizontally rather than vertically, the CSS property to adjust is ________.

  • display: block;
  • display: inline;
  • float: left;
  • text-align: center;
To make list items display horizontally (side by side) instead of vertically (stacked), you should adjust the CSS property "float: left." This property is used to float elements next to each other.

How can you create a function in SASS that returns a value?

  • Using the @function directive
  • Using the @mixin directive
  • Using the @return keyword
  • Using the @value keyword
To create a function in SASS that returns a value, you use the @function directive and the @return keyword within the function block. This allows you to define reusable pieces of logic that can compute and return values. Functions are typically used for calculations and value generation in SASS.

If you want an animation to run indefinitely, which value would you set for the animation-iteration-count property?

  • forever
  • infinite
  • loop
  • repeat
To make an animation run indefinitely, you should set the animation-iteration-count property to the value infinite. This ensures that the animation will keep running continuously without a specified end point.

The ______ value of the animation-timing-function property makes the animation progress in a series of jumps, like frames in a flipbook.

  • cubic-bezier
  • ease-in-out
  • linear
  • steps
The steps value of the animation-timing-function property divides the animation into a series of distinct intervals, creating a frame-by-frame animation effect, similar to a flipbook. You specify the number of steps, like steps(4), to control the number of frames.