You are designing a car simulation game using JavaScript. Each type of car (e.g., sedan, truck, etc.) has different methods for calculating fuel efficiency. Which object-oriented programming concept would be most appropriate to ensure that each car type can calculate fuel efficiency in its own way, while still inheriting basic characteristics from a general Car class?
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Abstraction
Polymorphism allows different car types (e.g., sedan, truck) to have their own implementations of the fuel efficiency calculation method while inheriting common attributes and behaviors from the general Car class. This ensures flexibility and extensibility in your game.
A _________ function expression can be named, providing a reference to itself.
- Recursive
- IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
- Anonymous
- Callback
A recursive function expression can be named, allowing it to refer to itself by name. This is useful in cases where a function needs to call itself during its execution, typically seen in solving recursive problems or implementing recursive algorithms.
The method getElementById selects an element using its ______.
- ID
- Tag Name
- Class Name
- Attribute
The method getElementById selects an element by its ID attribute. It returns the element with the specified ID attribute, providing a direct and efficient way to access an element in the DOM by its unique identifier.
To avoid iterating over prototype properties with, you should use the _______ method.
- Object.keys
- hasOwnProperty
- Object.prototype
- Object.values
To avoid iterating over prototype properties with a loop, you should use the Object.keys method. This method returns an array of an object's own enumerable property names, allowing you to iterate over only the object's properties without including those from its prototype chain.
The concept that allows JavaScript objects to inherit properties and behavior from an object of another class is known as _________.
- inheritance
- extension
- encapsulation
- polymorphism
The concept that allows JavaScript objects to inherit properties and behavior from an object of another class is known as "inheritance." Inheritance is a fundamental aspect of object-oriented programming and helps in code reusability.
What will happen if the break statement is omitted in a switch case?
- The program will continue to execute the following case(s) until a break or the end of the switch.
- It will skip the current case and move on to the default case.
- It will throw a syntax error.
- It will automatically add a break statement, preventing fall-through.
If you omit the break statement in a switch case, JavaScript will execute the code for that case and continue to execute the code for the following case(s) until it encounters a break statement or reaches the end of the switch statement. This behavior is known as "fall-through."
The keyword ______ is used to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same block that it is directly proceeding does not get executed.
- break
- continue
- return
- finally
The keyword finally is used to specify a block of code that will be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not in a try...catch block. It ensures that cleanup code is always executed.
You are working on a web application where you need to fetch data from an API, perform operations on it, and then use it to update the UI. Which JavaScript feature allows you to handle these asynchronous operations more readably and reliably?
- Callback Functions
- Promises
- Event Loop
- Callback Hell
Promises in JavaScript allow you to handle asynchronous operations more readably and reliably. Promises provide a structured way to work with asynchronous code, making it easier to manage tasks like fetching data from an API, performing operations, and updating the UI when the data is ready.
Which keyword is used to declare a variable with block scope?
- let
- var
- const
- block
The let keyword is used to declare a variable with block scope in JavaScript. Variables declared with let are limited to the block or scope in which they are defined, which is typically within a pair of curly braces {}.
What will happen if the condition in a while loop is always true?
- The code block will never execute
- The code block will execute once
- An infinite loop will occur
- An error will be thrown
If the condition in a while loop is always true, an infinite loop will occur. The code block will keep executing repeatedly, and the loop will never exit. This can lead to the program becoming unresponsive, and it's essential to ensure that the condition in a while loop eventually becomes false to prevent infinite loops.