To add elements to an array at a specific index, you might use _______.
- addAt()
- insert()
- place()
- set()
o add elements to an array at a specific index in JavaScript, you would typically use the splice() method. The splice() method allows you to specify the index where you want to add elements and the number of elements to remove (if any). This method can be used for both adding and removing elements at a specific position in an array. For example, myArray.splice(2, 0, 'newElement') would add 'newElement' at index 2 of myArray.
What is the primary use of the loop in JavaScript?
- Iterating over the values of an array
- Iterating over the properties of an object
- Executing a block of code repeatedly
- Iterating over elements of an array in order
The loop is primarily used for iterating over the properties of an object, not for arrays. It helps access each property name (key) of an object. Attempting to use it with arrays can lead to unexpected results, as it may also iterate over non-index properties added to the array.
Who is credited as the main developer behind JavaScript's creation?
- Brendan Eich
- Douglas Crockford
- Linus Torvalds
- Tim Berners-Lee
Brendan Eich is credited as the main developer behind JavaScript's creation. He created JavaScript while working at Netscape Communications in 1995. His contributions to the language's design and development have had a lasting impact on web development.
What is the common problem addressed by using asynchronous code in JavaScript?
- Blocking the main thread
- Memory Leaks
- Code Complexity
- Code Optimization
The common problem addressed by using asynchronous code in JavaScript is the avoidance of blocking the main thread. Blocking the main thread can lead to unresponsive user interfaces, making the application seem slow or frozen. Asynchronous code helps prevent this issue by allowing non-blocking execution of tasks.
You are developing an e-commerce website and want to fetch product details asynchronously to avoid page reloads. Which method might be appropriate for managing successive data retrieval operations in a clean and maintainable manner?
- Promises
- Callbacks
- Async/Await
- Observables
To manage successive data retrieval operations in a clean and maintainable manner, you can use the "Async/Await" approach in JavaScript. Async/Await simplifies asynchronous code and makes it look more like synchronous code, which can significantly enhance code readability and maintainability. It allows you to write asynchronous code in a more sequential style, making it easier to handle multiple asynchronous operations.
Which API allows you to make non-simple requests to another domain in JavaScript, considering the Same-Origin Policy?
- XMLHttpRequest
- JSONP (JSON with Padding)
- CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
- WebSocket
CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) is the API that allows you to make non-simple requests (such as those with custom headers or methods) to another domain in JavaScript while considering the Same-Origin Policy. XMLHttpRequest is an older alternative but has limitations compared to CORS. JSONP is a workaround technique, not an API, and WebSocket is used for full-duplex communication, not for cross-origin requests.
During a job interview, you're asked about the evolution of JavaScript. The interviewer specifically wants to know about a major shift in JavaScript's usage from merely adding interactivity to web pages to being used in server-side programming. What technology or platform brought about this shift?
- Node.js
- Apache Tomcat
- Ruby on Rails
JavaScript's major shift into server-side programming was largely enabled by Node.js. Node.js is a runtime environment that allows JavaScript to be executed on the server, making it suitable for building scalable, server-side applications. It revolutionized web development by unifying front-end and back-end languages.
Why might for...of loops be preferred when working with asynchronous code?
- They can be used with any iterable object.
- They automatically handle Promise resolution.
- They are faster than traditional for loops.
- They provide better error handling mechanisms.
For...of loops are preferred when working with asynchronous code because they automatically handle Promise resolution. When you iterate over an iterable that contains Promises, for...of will await each Promise and provide the resolved value, making it more convenient for working with asynchronous operations.
What is the primary difference between while and do-while loops in JavaScript?
- The while loop always executes the code block at least once
- The do-while loop is more efficient
- The while loop is not suitable for iterating over arrays
- The do-while loop doesn't have a condition
The primary difference is that in a while loop, the condition is checked before executing the code block. If the condition is initially false, the code block may never run. In contrast, the do-while loop guarantees that the code block is executed at least once because it checks the condition after executing the block. This makes do-while useful when you want the code to run once before checking the condition.
The ________ operator can be used to compare both value and type in JavaScript.
- Equality (===)
- Assignment (=)
- Identity (==)
- Inequality (!=)
The Equality (===) operator can be used to compare both value and type in JavaScript. It checks if two values are strictly equal, meaning they have the same value and the same data type. The other options, such as Assignment (=) and Identity (==), do not perform strict value and type comparison. Inequality (!=) checks for inequality.