Introduction to Philosophy by OpenStax
Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Introduction to Philosophy surveys logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theories of value, and history of philosophy thematically. To provide a strong foundation in...
Structure: Concepts, Consequences, Interactions
Natural phenomena, including human language, are not just series of events but are organized quasi-periodically; sentences have structure, and that structure matters. Howard Lasnik and Juan Uriagereka “were there” when...
Migration and Home
This open access short reader offers an intersectional perspective on the meaning of home in migration. The book provides a pathway through existing scholarship on home and migration, exploring how...
A World Trading System for the Twenty-First Century
When designing a world trading system for the twenty-first century, “Keep calm and carry on” beats “Move fast and break things.” Global trade is in trouble. Climate change, digital trade,...
Stakeholder Relationships And Sustainability
This open-access book analyses how stakeholder relationships impact the sustainability of health aid. It does this by providing an overarching analytical framework, which allows for a systematic analysis of sustainability,...
Remaking the American Dream
The redefinition of the single-family house, the urban landscape, and the American Dream. Sitting squarely at the center of the American Dream, the detached single-family home has long been the...
Digital Ethology
An edited collection that looks deeply at how humans transform their environments and how these environments, in turn, shape humans. Countless permutations of physical, built, and social environments surround us...
Enacting Platforms
An analysis of the game engine Unreal through feminist, race, and queer theories of technology and media, as well as a critique of the platform studies framework itself. In this...
Fiscal Policy under Low Interest Rates
Rethinking fiscal and monetary policy in an economic environment of high debt and low interest rates. Policy makers in advanced economies find themselves in an unusual fiscal environment: debt ratios...
College Success
OpenStax College Success is a comprehensive and contemporary resource that serves First Year Experience, Student Success, and College Transition courses. Developed with the support of hundreds of faculty and coordinators, the book...