Software Engineering Made Easy
"Any fool can write code a computer can understand. Good programmers wirte code humans can understand" - Martin Fowler There is an infinite amount of possibilities how you can write...

Introduction to Modern Statistics, 2nd Edition
Introduction to Modern Statistics is a re-imagining of a previous title, Introduction to Statistics with Randomization and Simulation book. The new book puts a heavy emphasis on exploratory data analysis (specifically exploring...

1 Page Python Book
1 Page Python Book, is a guide to learn python programming. Precise code examples and broken down explanations, neatly organised into chapters. Provides links to external resources for supplementary reading...

Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3
The Non-Programmers' Tutorial For Python 3 is a tutorial designed to be an introduction to the Python programming language. Originally, this guide is for someone with no programming experience. However,...

Context Changes Everything
From the influential author of Dynamics in Action, how the concepts of constraints provide a way to rethink relationships, opening the way to intentional, meaningful causation. Grounding her work in the...

Global Shifts
What global shifts in markets and power mean for the politics and governance of sustainability. In recent years, major shifts in global markets from North to South have created a...

Parody in the Age of Remix
The art of mashup music, its roots in parody, and its social and legal implications. Parody needn't recognize copyright—but does an algorithm recognize parody? The ever-increasing popularity of remix culture...

Clean Architectures in Python
The clean architecture is the opposite of spaghetti code, where everything is interlaced and there are no single elements that can be easily detached from the rest and replaced without...

Linux Command Line for You and Me
Linux command line for you and me is a book for newcomers to the command line environment.

Python for You and Me
This is a simple book to learn Python programming language, it is for the programmers who are new to Python. Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that can...