Intro to Journalism Handbook
This book is intended as an open educational resource for beginning journalism students. It contains information on such topics as the First Amendment, 5 Ws (and H), the inverted pyramid,...

Introduction to Women’s & Gender Studies
Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (2023) is an eTextbook designed to provide an introduction to the fields of Women’s Studies and Gender Studies for students taking introductory courses. The textbook touches on...

Handbook of Software Engineering Methods, 2nd Edition
Software engineering can help people create sustainable, extensible programs that solve problems people care about. I won’t tell you how to be a software engineer; you’ll learn that over time...

Web Writing
Web Writing (2023) by Dr. A Nicole Pfannenstiel is designed to provide a practical, rhetorical approach to web writing and content strategy analysis for students completing advanced writing courses. The eTextbook uses...

Chemistry Techniques and Explorations
Chemistry Techniques and Explorations (2023) by Dr. Daniel R. Albert is an eTextbook laboratory manual for first semester introductory chemistry courses. The manual includes two different types of experiments (Technique and...

Laboratory Manual: General Chemistry I Honors
General Chemistry I Honors Laboratory Manual (2023) is an eTextbook designed to provide a practical, hands-on approach to learning chemistry for students taking General Chemistry I Honors courses. The manual covers...

Art + DIY Electronics
A systematic theory of DIY electronic culture, drawn from a century of artists who have independently built creative technologies. Since the rise of Arduino and 3D printing in the mid-2000s,...

Building User Interfaces for Modern Web Applications
Since Facebook released React as an open-source software library for front-end programming in 2013, React has gain popularity quickly. Although there are other frameworks or libraries, React is considered a...

Basic Statistics Using R for Crime Analysis
Limited access to subscription-based statistical software poses obstacles when students want to apply the skills they acquired in college. Although students may learn programs like SPSS or Stata while at...

Introduction to Data Science Using Python
This book contains two parts, the first is designed to be used in an introductory programming course for students looking to learn Python, without having any prior experience with programming....